Hanna Gosztyla

Hanna has been training in hip hop for almost half her life. She started her journey at age 10 in studio hip hop training at Arts In Motion Dance Academy for 4 years. She then auditioned for the collegiate team RAPS Dance Troupe (RDT) at young age of 14 and became their youngest member to ever join. Hanna has been a dedicated member ever since and recently worked her way up to be a co-director of RDT. In 2016, Hanna and a couple of friends started a girl group called the Lucy Stoners. The Lucy Stoners pride themselves on their close friendship and their ambition to change social norms and challenge pre-existing views on how females should dance. During high school, Hanna found a passion for Korean pop music, which is more commonly known as Kpop. Hanna is currently apart of a Kpop dance cover group called Cant Dance Crew. Being able to successfully manage the social media accounts of two dance groups has surprisingly sparked her love for social media and media design. Hanna joined IMGE around 2019 to add onto her list of ways to challenge herself through her dance journey. Hanna considers herself an independent dancer and specializes in foundations and freestyling, thanks to RDT. She is constantly trying to find ways to expand her knowledge of dance and knows to stay hungry and humble.